The Oblong Hoops gear set is designed to be used in conjunction with the Hoops gear set. This gear set is a collection of oblongs, each of which pairs with one of the hoops from the Hoops gear set.
The oblongs can be used as a simple ring, rolling gears around the inside and making designs that way. They can also be used in conjunction with a hoop that fits snugly between the parallel lines of gear teeth. That hoop can be repositioned between each iteration of a design making for a setup that has precise repositioning rotationally and laterally. This is a style of composition that was first made possible with the Nested Oblong gear set. It is technically more versatile and challenging and can make stunning, complex, compelling art.
The gear set is cut from one 40 cm x 40 cm piece of acrylic and is divided into two 40 cm x 20 cm pieces, each of which contains a set of nested oblongs. Each oblong is marked with the tooth count, prime factors, counting tick marks, center line marker, and a number on the left side of the oblong that denotes what hoop matches it.
The top frame piece has the following parts:
- 300 oblong cutout
- 300/268 oblong hoop
- 268/236 oblong hoop
- 236/204 oblong hoop
- 204/172 oblong hoop
- 172 oblong with 3 cutouts
- 36 gear
- 32 gear
- 24 gear
The bottom frame piece has the following parts:
- 284 oblong cutout
- 284/252 oblong hoop
- 252/220 oblong hoop
- 220/188 oblong hoop
- 188/156 oblong hoop
- 156 oblong with 3 cutouts
- 18 gear
- 16 gear
- 12 gear