The Oblong Enormous Hoops gear set is conceptually similar to the Oblong Hoops gear set and is designed to be used in conjunction with the Enormous Hoops gear set. This gear set is a collection of oblongs, each of which pairs with one of the hoops from the Enormous Hoops gear set.
The gear set is cut from one 60 cm x 40 cm piece of acrylic and contains a set of nested oblongs. Each oblong is marked with the tooth count, prime factors, counting tick marks, center line marker, and a number on the left side of the oblong that denotes what hoop matches it.
The gear set includes 2 nested gets of hoops (128/84/56, and 125/100/75/50). Both sets are included because gear-in-gear designs with lots of shared prime factors are a popular design style to use inside an oblong setup. In the 126 set each inner ring is 2/3 the size of the previous ring. In the 125 set each ring decreases by 25. In both cases they have lots of shared prime factors.
- Frame with 488 oblong cutout
- 488/448 oblong
- 448/403 oblong
- 403/368 oblong
- 368/335 oblong
- 335/296 oblong
- 296 oblong with 3 cutouts
- 128/84 gear
- 84/56 gear
- 56 gear
- 125/100 gear
- 100/75 gear
- 75/50 gear
- 50 gear
- 36 gear